A unique and integrated approach to inner consciousness development

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50+ years of experience and practice


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See What Others Have to Say

I’m just feeling peace right now, and this peace doesn’t have any words that can truly describe it. All that arises is gratitude for the presence and availability of all that attended, and Jon for guiding in such a light-hearted, playful and warm way throughout all the tumultuous waves. Thanks to this event, layers of my body have unraveled to reveal a felt love of myself that I never knew possible and that is the greatest gift.

Samuel J

I always feel Jon is speaking directly to me, answering questions I didn’t know I even had and touching my heart in a direct way that is both impersonal yet deeply available to my human self. I’m so grateful to the space that Jon holds. It feels so inclusive, safe, allowing and transcendent all at the same time. Satsang with Jon is bursting with love!


I always appreciate the space between each question for silent sitting. I also enjoy his way of including the human experience into the Presence of Being; he attends this experience with open-hearted awareness. I have no problem crying in front of Jon or expressing my deepest sorrows. He guides them all to the light of pure knowing. I am left grounded, expanded and in total peace.


Jon is a master at meeting each person where they are, and helping them to uncover the healing that they need in that moment.

Kevin M

Jon’s approach to teaching is so natural, so approachable, and also so profound. I find that often weeks after a Satsang or a retreat something that was said or shared is heard inwardly in a new way, opening the heart unexpectedly.


Jon Bernie is one of the finest, most precise teachers I have ever worked with.

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