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Clear Water Sangha
The Space of Transformation
Awakening is a natural force, and being here is an opportunity, an invitation to allow that force to work through you; and to transform your essential sense of who you are from a limited identity in time and space, to literally being space, being openness.
Endless Appreciation
Appreciation is a profound act of generosity. We give of ourselves by appreciating, we open ourselves up. The more we give, the more we receive. And when we give completely, we receive fully. ~ Recorded 10/11/2014 in Tiburon
Fundamental Enjoyment
One day you’ll come to a place where you’ll be grateful for not knowing — for not being caught in being the knower, the believer, but rather just fully open, right now. Just awake! Present. Available. The gift of awakening is really fundamental enjoyment, because things are new, things are fresh. There’s a brightness, a…
Welcoming the Radiance of Being
Being here fully is giving completely of yourself. Because when you see completely, you give completely, and you receive completely — it’s a complete cycle. There’s no more you or me, no more separation anymore. You are deeply listening in the silence, deeply receiving even when no words are happening. Because giving is happening, and…
Being As It Is
Awareness is beyond belief — and yet it is permeating, and permeable, with everything. Allowing that awareness to grow us — to cultivate us, to cook us — facilitates the unfolding of the spirit and the heart. You go from being very heavy, burdened and dense, to being very light, effortless and open.
Awakening from the Heart
The process of transformation is facilitated by allowing yourself to rest in not knowing, by dropping out of the struggling mind that wants to know, and into the vulnerable heart that’s ready to break open.
The Actuality of Freedom
It helps to realize that we’re really not in control, and we really don’t know anything. It’s a big relief, actually. Then we can be enlightened — we can be fascinated, inspired, transformed. We can be liberated, because we’re not caught in some container of imaginary safety which is really, fundamentally, not safe. We find…
Being Radiant
Miracles are everywhere all the time, but we don’t notice them, we don’t realize that’s the way it is. But after a while you learn to just trust the movement of life, the mystery of this incarnation, and you begin to find that awakening and freedom are completely natural, and completely built into the system.
Profound Meaning Each Moment
Inspiration is something that comes to you, like grace. So we find out how to be available to it, receptive, vulnerable to the intimacy of the primal force of being. Then we begin to find out what unconditional happiness is, and life has profound meaning each moment.
The Hallmark of Intimacy
What we find out in this awakening is that our heart is everyone’s heart, the heart of everything. That intimacy is usually accessed through vulnerability, and the willingness to not be in control — to be open, to be receptive, to not know; to be unwound, released, dissolved. Vulnerability is the hallmark of intimacy, and…