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Clear Water Sangha
The Natural Force of Awakening
Awakening is a natural force of nature — like gravity, like birth — and it’s ongoing. Awakening continues. And as it progresses, there’s deepening, and opening — there’s a natural trust that evolves, a natural support, and then vulnerability and letting go are not so threatening anymore.
Living in the Flow
In awakening the flow becomes illuminated — becomes conscious. And eventually you realize you are that conscious illumination.
True Satisfaction
Our true self is profoundly satisfied. When we awaken, or open to our real nature — this radiant aliveness — we begin to enjoy the possibility of being truly satisfied. It’s this wonderful sense of enrichment, of being nourished and fulfilled and complete.
Moving Beyond Knowing
Liberation is simply freedom from the known. If there’s no thinking, there’s no thinker, and that’s the end of the identity that separates. The identity is only a thought that’s in the way. As they say in Zen, it’s what separates heaven and earth.
Embracing Our Human Life
Gradually we begin to see that what we have rejected, thrown away, or pushed aside, is actually waiting for our forgiveness, our compassion, our gratitude, our appreciation; because we see that it is part of the whole function, part of the ecosystem of this life and of freedom.
Ocean of Peace
When letting go really happens, you’re held up, you’re buoyant, you’re actually floating in energy and awareness. And then the moment is effortless — it’s open, it’s available. It’s connected.
Freedom is Your Birthright
Enjoy the moments of freedom that you have, even if they’re just brief little glimpses, or tiny little tastes. Those tiny little tastes, eventually, are the seeds that sprout and grow into the profound trust that will allow you to fully let go.
The Taste of the Truth
Everything is mirroring what you are in this moment. The struggle ends there. And then there’s this intimacy of being, this closeness of interconnection — the taste of the truth.
Live from the Heart
Probably the most important instruction is to really live from your heart. To really see from your heart. To approach your human condition, whatever it’s presenting, with love, with forgiveness, with compassion and gratitude.
What is Awareness?
Can you locate awareness? Recently I’ve come up with some suggestions that might be helpful, some hints for allowing awareness to emerge.