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Clear Water Sangha
Freedom Itself
“We are literally the force of nature. Just be this presence, this aliveness, and see how the world is incredibly transformed.” Recorded 4/30/2012 in San Francisco.
No Going Back
“When you’ve really entered this realm, there’s no going back. It’s right now — it’s right here. There’s an immediacy of awakened being, awakened presence.” Recorded 4/23/2012 in Santa Cruz.
A Taste of the Infinite
When you taste your true nature, you realize that it’s infinite. You can’t contain it; you can’t control it; you can’t hold on to it. Its very nature is letting go, opening, expanding — illuminating.” Recorded 4/16/2012 in San Francisco.
Big Heart, Big Mind
“Contentment is when all the energies are lined up; when they’re all integrated, all flowing together, a perfectly balanced ecosystem. That’s equanimity, harmony — your true nature.” Recorded 3/26/2012 in San Francisco.
Living Fully Each Moment
“Freedom isn’t about not being human. It’s actually the opposite — it’s about being fully actualized as a human. Isn’t that really the purpose of life? To live fully each moment…” Recorded 3/12/2012 in San Francisco.
A Sanctuary Without Walls
“How do you let go into the disorientation of no personal self? I think as the realization becomes more fully integrated, more foreground, then it’s just obvious. I like how in Buddhism they refer to it as a refuge, because it really is a sanctuary. A sanctuary without walls; a sanctuary without beliefs. Your true…
What is Surrender?
“You can’t personally surrender — letting go happens by itself. But if we deny or avoid the struggle, or resist it or try to manipulate it, we feed it. Surrendering means being awake in the struggle — in the center of it.” Recorded 2/27/2012 in San Francisco.
What’s In the Way?
“Notice what’s in the way, realizing nothing needs to be done, nothing needs to be fixed, figured out, gotten rid of; but just simply perceived, fully. When that occurs, awareness opens into itself.” Recorded 2/11/2012 in Santa Cruz.
The Intimacy of Seeing
“Everytime you look, you can notice if there’s projection going on, or if there’s just this vulnerability, this intimacy of seeing… The truth is unknowable, it’s a mystery. And we are that mystery. As soon as you realize that, a lot of the burden will drop away, because then you’ll know it’s within, that you…
Dissolving the Filter of Belief
“Ironically, with no self, life becomes completely intentional. There’s a clarity, an exactness in each moment, because nothing is in the way. There’s no filter in the way of experience.” Recorded 1/23/2012 in San Francisco.