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Clear Water Sangha
Beyond the Force Field of Struggle
It’s important to remind yourself to not get caught in that force field of struggle, of worry and concern, but rather to bring more attention to and just be present with what’s arising, whatever it is, so that it can naturally circulate through and out of your system and be integrated into a deeper realm…
Integrated Freedom
I want to wish you a very happy and healthy new year. I know we’ve had one of the hardest years in history, but here we are. We’re still here. So just allow yourself to be here, right now. As you open more and more into the Divine, the Vastness, whatever you want to call…
Give, Receive and Be Vulnerable
Give yourself appreciation for all the hard work you’re doing to be who you are, and to face the life that you have each moment. Give yourself some gratitude for your effort, some loving kindness and compassion for your struggle, so that your heart remains pliable and soft and available to be vulnerable, to receive,…
The Most Important Thing
Practice is the art of refinement of life. Right now, are you here, or are you thinking about something? Are you aware of your whole body right now? Are you aware of your breath right now? Every moment is completely new. Practice is continually guiding yourself back to what’s actually happening. Every moment is completely…
Freedom Beyond Limit
This is a powerful, powerful time for us as a human species. Faced with these incredible challenges, we have the opportunity to learn how to really be present, and to allow that learning to continually evolve. So the question I have for you right now, given all that’s happening, is: are you learning, or are…
Where Are You Right Now?
Rather than looking outside ourselves, we begin to see that every moment is another opportunity to receive the unique teaching that is being freely offered. This podcast on self discovery was recorded at the Santa Cruz, CA. satsang on 09-14-2019. Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to…
Discover The Infinite
Let yourself discover the space that allows for any and all perspectives. This podcast on self discovery was recorded at the San Francisco, CA. satsang on 09-23-2019. Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube! NEW: Experience live satsang, guided meditations…
Being Here is the Point
Being here is the point and everything else is extra. This podcast on self discovery was recorded at the Santa Cruz, CA. satsang on 02-09-2020. Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube! NEW: Experience live satsang, guided meditations and direct…
The Beauty That You Are
You are starting to develop a healthy, intimate relationship with yourself which heals and reveals the beauty that you are. This podcast on self discovery was recorded at the Santa Cruz, CA. satsang on 12-07-2019. Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos…
Start Fresh!
Since it’s a new year, we need a fresh start, internally and externally. And what we are always discovering on this journey is that a fresh start is really what this path is about. Recorded 1/6/2020 in San Francisco.