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Clear Water Sangha
The Solvent of Awareness
“Allow your feeling, sensing, seeing, hearing, to dissolve you into awareness. Allow the dissolving to happen by itself, free of any anticipation or expectation, free of any agenda. Just being fully available, totally available in this moment, allowing openness to simply open into itself.” Recorded 10/17/2011 in San Francisco.
Where Listening Happens
“The relentless mind craves silence, craves a break, a relief from the endless mental movement. So what is it that you hear in the silence? What is it that’s arising, or present in the space between the thoughts, between the words? Are you intimate with that space? That space which is what you really are?”…
The Gift of Renewal
“When we align with our energy, our being, our true nature, we begin to realize that every moment is a rediscovery, a renewal of awareness, of attention, of perception. We are continually reborn.” Recorded 12/19/2011 in San Francisco.
The Healing Journey
“What is this journey that we’re on, really? Is it just about awakening, being one with God, the infinite? You hear that a lot: just be presence and that’s it. And there’s truth in that, fundamentally. But really, awakening usually is followed by healing, by transformation and integration.” Recorded 9/26/2011 in San Francisco.
Invitation to the Changeless
“Are you conscious of what doesn’t change? Usually we’re aware of what’s changing, and we either like that or we don’t like that, depending on what’s changing… One way to talk about our fundamental nature is that which doesn’t change.” Recorded 9/19/2011 in San Francisco.
Bring it Home
“Freedom is being home. It’s home without a location. It’s home where everything is the location.” Recorded 9/10/2011 in Santa Cruz.
In the opening talk of a recent retreat, Jon invites us to surrender, to give up believing, and to allow ourselves to be guided by the deep truth revealing itself in the utter uniqueness of each moment. Recorded 11/3/2011 at Santa Sabina Retreat Center in San Rafael.
Listening Without Anticipation
“The listening that we ask you allow, here, is free of anticipation about what will be heard, or even whether there will be any comprehension or understanding. If you’re weary of spiritual teachings, if they’ve become platitudes, then this is even more an invitation to listen without any idea about what you’re hearing.” Recorded 8/22/2011…
The Balance Point of Equanimity
“The purpose of this gathering, this movement of energy, is to realign ourselves with our birthright of aliveness — we are fundamentally vibrant awareness. And in that we find what I like to call our balance point of equanimity.” Recorded 8/13/2011 in Santa Cruz.
The Way is Built In
“The way is self-revelatory — it’s built in. It’s not externalized, it’s not outside; it’s within. And whether the waves are gentle and calm, or turbulent and chaotic, we learn to move with them, we learn to trust their process. Just like we trust that the body knows how to be alive.” Recorded 8/15/2011 in…