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Clear Water Sangha
Beyond Description
“What would be happening if you couldn’t describe what’s happening? If all language dropped away, all description dropped away — who would you be without the description of who you are?” Recorded 5/16/2011 in San Francisco. We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank…
What Is the Body?
“Let’s say the body is a vehicle for discovery, an instrument. How is it that we use this body, so often, unconsciously? What would happen if when talking, you actually listened to the instrument, to the vibration through the whole instrument? If you listen, you’ll realize that every cell is resonating in the sound, and…
Dissolving Body and Mind
“How is it possible to completely dissolve, to allow the body and the mind and the emotional realm to completely dissolve, so there’s only consciousness present? … When there’s just pure consciousness, there’s an extraordinary aliveness that we realize we are.” Recorded 4/25/2011 in San Francisco. We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and…
Facing Yourself Right Now
This week Jon invites us to drop our interpretation of what’s arising and allow ourselves to not know, even if only for only a moment; and emphasizes that when you can truly be with whatever is present right now — with yourself, however you are, right now — then in this moment you’re right on…
Expression in the Depth of Stillness
This week Jon discusses the importance of expression and our need to be heard, while emphasizing that expression must come from and be informed by stillness. As Jon says, “stillness is what holds us up; is what supports us, nourishes us, heals us, and gives us what we want. You can ask into that stillness,…
Check out Jon’s Interview on “Being Ordinary”
Here’s what the creators of “Being Ordinary” have to say about their website and podcasts: Being Ordinary is a website created by two friends, Tom and Mike, and is dedicated to the expression and exploration of what it truly means to be a human being. Ideas such as Enlightenment, Awakening or Self-Realisation, often serve to…
The Calling in Each Moment
This week Jon expands on the Zen instruction that you should “practice as if your head was on fire”, and challenges us to discover the opportunity for full awakening that is present in each moment. Recorded 3/14/2011 in San Francisco. We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate…
The Real Refuge
This week Jon suggests that as we come to rest more and more in equanimity, we are also more able freely to move into action at whatever level of intensity our circumstances require; discusses the temporary usefulness of identity, while also pointing to the deeper understanding that allows identity to fall away; and describes the…
The Enrichment of Engagement
This week Jon describes the fullness of life that becomes possible when one is able to perceive without the filter of belief; the enrichment of experience when one becomes truly engaged with the creative force of experience; and the deeper meaning that becomes obvious when one is deeply aligned and engaged with each moment. Recorded…
The Thrill of Continual Discovery
This week Jon encourages us to relax, drop everything, and allow ourselves simply to melt into the space of listening; emphasizes that when there’s no longer any holding on, life is characterized by endless movement and expansion; and invites us to experience the freedom of perpetual discovery, the learning that doesn’t accumulate knowledge. Recorded 2/21/2011…