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Clear Water Sangha
Awake in the World
In the opening talk of a recent daylong intensive, Jon discusses the challenge of transitioning away from archaic ways of speaking about spirituality; the uniqueness of each individual’s journey and path; and the integration of aspects of life and the self that might previously have seemed separate, as gradually we become ever more deeply established…
I’m in “Consciousness Development”
This week Jon discusses the challenges of describing exactly what it is we’re up to in satsang; how the ways we frame reality psychologically affect our spiritual process; and how we can move out of perceiving reality through the filter of the separate self, and into true aliveness. Recorded 2/12/2011 in Santa Cruz. We are…
A Nonstop Magic Trick
“When being comes into the foreground, thinking… takes a different pathway.” This week Jon emphasizes that as we become established in presence, our choices originate from a different place than previously; suggests that as we become more conscious, we might find that emotion moves more freely, not less; and invites us to notice how we…
Welcome What’s Happening
This week Jon asks us to notice that when we allow ourselves to rest in the question without trying to escape into the answer, openness arises quite naturally; points out that the question itself creates the movement of openness; and suggests that true intimacy begins with simply paying attention to this moment. Recorded 1/8/2011 in…
Our Nature is Freedom
This week Jon examines the question, ‘What is knowing?’; suggests that when faced with difficulty, what’s necessary is to meet what’s happening from a place of open-heartedness; and invites us simply to notice that as we become more established in awareness, a deeper trust in our experience arises naturally, without any effort on our part.…
The Recipe for Joy
When the emotional heart is unclear, gratitude may seem less available. But feeling out of balance is actually balancing trying to happen. This week Jon offers permission to experiment — to fall down as often as it takes to find your way — and suggests that true happiness appears spontaneously when we let go of…
Being Is the Meaning of Life
This week Jon emphasizes that once we discover our essential nature, thinking about spirituality is no longer necessary or even likely; that once we’ve had even a glimpse of the truth, we naturally give ourselves to that; and suggests that only in that profound allowing of what is is the true meaning of life discovered.…
It’s Always New
Jon discusses the mystery of transmission, and how presence can in some sense be contagious; invites us to allow ourselves to see the infinitely new even where there might appear to be no movement; and points to the true vitality and aliveness that arise from simply relaxing into openness. Recorded 10/18/2010 in San Francisco. We…
Becoming Available to Yourself
This week Jon offers the invitation, “really see if you can discover when you truly are available to yourself, and I mean that in the deepest sense. And when you are, really go in that direction, allow that to guide you, to move you into that fullness, into that openness. See if you can really…
Relaxing Into Truth
Jon points out that awakening can sometimes sneak in unnoticed, but that the momentum of seeking can nevertheless continue to propel our search for what, in fact, has already happened; invites us to notice the fullness of being that is already present, whatever our condition or state; and suggests that we allow ourselves to quite…