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Clear Water Sangha
Back to the Source
Jon discusses the increasing sensitivity that comes with deepening in presence; the way being together in satsang facilitates greater opening; and the importance of giving ourselves completely to awareness. Recorded 11/2/2009.
Letting Go of the Struggle
Jon invites the listener to stop, relinquish the responsibility for becoming realized, and “let IT do it;” and to let go of the struggle to be free. Recorded 10/26/2009.
The Lowest Common Denominator
Jon discusses the challenge of realizing that there’s actually nothing to understand; that transformative power of resting in stillness; and finding effortless ease even in the midst of the most difficult situations. Recorded 10/19/2009.
The Need for Belonging
Jon discusses the human need for belonging; the emotional basis of self-identification; and how true belonging is found only when we become free of the beliefs that perpetuate our experience of separation. Recorded 11/30/09.
New Video: Santa Cruz Satsang + Interview
Jon recently participated in a special two part webcast facilitated by NeverNotHere’s Richard Miller. Video of both segments of the event is now available online. Visit to view a full length satsang with Jon, followed by an extended interview with Jon conducted by Richard, both filmed in Santa Cruz on October 24, 2009. Thanks…
Effortless Presence
Jon discusses listening without needing to understand; distinguishing between forced effort and the effortless power that comes from aligning ourselves with our true nature; and the transformational power of opening ourselves to openness itself. Recorded 09/28/2009.
Letting Go of Who We Think We Are
Jon discusses the dropping away of the attachment to mind and body; how maps are useful until they aren’t; and the importance of deep listening and being available to what is always being shown. Recorded 9/21/2009.
Understanding from the Heart
Jon discusses the deeper intelligence that arises when we drop the tendency to analyze and learn to listen from the heart; energetic shifts that can take place as we deepen into awareness; and learning to get out of the way of our own healing process. Recorded 9/14/2009.
Relaxing the Grip
Jon discusses the role of questioning; the value of letting go of the need to understand; and suggests that true learning is not separate from realization itself. Recorded 8/31/2009.
What We Think Is Negative Is Often a Doorway
In this satsang Jon discusses listening from the heart, the deeper listening that can arise when we let go of the struggle to understand; and how what we instinctively resist is often a doorway to freedom. Recorded 08/24/2009.