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Clear Water Sangha
Nothing Special
This can’t really be an accomplishment, it’s just reality. Actually, it’s no big deal. I love that when he was asked what enlightenment was, Suzuki Roshi replied, “Nothing Special”. There’s nothing like telling the truth and not turning it into something unattainable. It’s ordinary. It’s what you always are, even if you’re caught in resistance.…
Tending The Garden
Even though you might have your laundry list of problems, you can only take care of what’s in front of you. And you can only take care of what’s in front of you right now, if you’re actually here. And when you’re in your garden, that’s all you can do – pick one weed at…
Fully Here
Fully Here is not living in the thought-forms of the past, the future or the present, but deeply communing with the life force of our being. Recorded in Santa Cruz, CA. on 07-07-2018.
Let Go Of Your Mind
Don’t wait for the guidance and reassurance to come from outside of you, it’s within you, it is you. When you bring awareness to the focus that the mind is holding there will be an easing that automatically occurs. Recorded in San Francisco, CA. on 07-02-2018.
Familiar With The Edge
Are you familiar with that profound stillness, within the center of your being, when you are at peace? Recorded in Tiburon, CA. on 6-09-2018.
Trust How It Works
As you become more aware of awareness and more established in presence, trust in the process that naturally grows. Recorded in San Francisco, CA. on 10-23-2017.
Don’t Think About It
Give yourself permission to not know. The flower will bloom all by itself so enjoy yourself as much as possible. Recorded in Tiburon, CA on 04-21-2018.
Finding Your Way
The journey can be challenging but trust this profound openness and being that you are. Listen to that silence and open in to that space. Recorded in Tiburon, CA on 02-17-2018.
Aligned in Presence
Your projections don’t have the weight that they once had. The judgements and reactions may still come through but they simply don’t stick. Recorded in San Francisco on 02-18-2018.
Finding Support Within
When silence is present it’s important to give it your full attention. Allow this silence to open and guide you to your own support within. Recorded in San Francisco on 09-25-2017.