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Clear Water Sangha
The Only Truth is Freedom
What does it mean to arrive here fully? What *is* freedom? And what does it mean to truly take care of yourself?
Intimacy of the Heart
Intimacy is the union of being with another without the filter of “me”. It’s a closeness, a heartfulness, an empathetic sensitivity. Even though we may not have conversed, we know each other profoundly. That’s really the depth of relationship that we seek.
A Little More Joy
The draw to become spiritually free is often just have a little more joy, a little more enjoyment, a little less angst. Can you find that moment, even right now, where you’re not seeking, not trying, not resisting? Can you let go, just for a moment? It feels good, doesn’t it? Recorded 3/7/2016 in San…
The Essential Energy of Transformation
Every moment is the beginning of the journey. When you wake up, there is not endpoint called “enlightenment”. There’s just this closeness, this intimacy of connection. No one to defend. Opening is a natural, mysterious movement; and what we learn from a human perspective, is how to let it move in the direction it’s moving.…
Wake Up Right Now
“The fundamental teaching — the guiding principle, the guiding light — is your own true nature. Whether you’re aware of that or not, it is, always has been, and always will be what you are. Belief has nothing to do with it. Trying to achieve has nothing to do with it. It is already what…
That Depth of Relationship We Truly Seek | Jon Bernie | nonduality
New Video: That Depth of Relationship We Truly Seek Jon Bernie talks to participants at this March 14, 2016 San Francisco, California satsang about the transformation of the personal self that occurs when we learn how to clear and integrate it — from the bigger perspective of our essential nature. Subscribe to Jon’s YouTube channel (free) to…
Ask Into Vastness
Are you able to surrender? Are you able to just be here? Whatever way works for you in this moment, it will open you, and it will bring you back into a harmonious presence. Maybe just being here, sensing this energy or presence in the room, if you can sense, see or tune into that.…
Wait Without Waiting
Eventually you get tired of trying — tired of wanting to know the answers, or how long it’s going to take — and you just kick back. You just open. You wait without waiting. Your deeper presence begins to emerge, and radiate, and become foreground. Our fundamental nature is energy. Aliveness. When you stop, when…
The Creative Force of Discovery
“When the veil of the knower drops away, the creative force of discovery guides your way. Each moment is revealed as new. Just as food has flavor, being has resonance, and the resonant being of being here, now, naturally encourages the dropping away of the veil of the knower. So we don’t come here to…
Love Being
Happiness Podcast: “What is the nature of awakened life? What is the nature of freedom? The simplest description is being. When you’re being, you’re more available as a person. You’re more loving, more understanding, more open. You’re creative; alive! And lighter, not too serious. Just enough. Playful. Curious. Awakened life is about becoming fully, completely…