
  • Let *It* Let Go

    The one who wants to be free is incapable of letting go.  But eventually, as the space of awareness grows, it loses its power to control.  So as you’re able now, rest in awareness. Whatever might still be holding on, whatever might be resisting, or whatever might be grasping — just be the space of…

  • Everything is New

    Awakening is when you’re just here. Nothing coming or going. Everything is new, everything is fresh. When all our filters drop away and there’s just this presence, we can come to a deeper, centered alignment in our being. And when you feel that presence emerging, that’s what you want to give your attention to. Words…

  • Healing Social Trauma

    It’s in times of darkness that we most need the light. That’s when we’re really challenged to either run and hide and avoid, or face what’s right here. So thank you for showing up for yourself. As hard as it is right now, to cultivate consciousness is to drop knowing; to drop, at least for…

  • Every Taste is Delicious

    “Have you found out yet what a relief it is to not think? It becomes effortless as you learn to relax into openness. It feels nurturing and comforting and healing.” When you’re no longer caught in meaning, or in trying to orchestrate or manage your experience, then you’re just here. You’re just open, vulnerable, available.…

  • The Only Truth is Freedom

    What does it mean to arrive here fully? What *is* freedom? And what does it mean to truly take care of yourself?

  • Intimacy of the Heart

    Intimacy is the union of being with another without the filter of “me”. It’s a closeness, a heartfulness, an empathetic sensitivity. Even though we may not have conversed, we know each other profoundly. That’s really the depth of relationship that we seek. www.jonbernie.org

  • A Little More Joy

    The draw to become spiritually free is often just have a little more joy, a little more enjoyment, a little less angst. Can you find that moment, even right now, where you’re not seeking, not trying, not resisting? Can you let go, just for a moment? It feels good, doesn’t it? Recorded 3/7/2016 in San…

  • The Essential Energy of Transformation

    Every moment is the beginning of the journey. When you wake up, there is not endpoint called “enlightenment”. There’s just this closeness, this intimacy of connection. No one to defend. Opening is a natural, mysterious movement; and what we learn from a human perspective, is how to let it move in the direction it’s moving.…

  • Wake Up Right Now

    “The fundamental teaching — the guiding principle, the guiding light — is your own true nature. Whether you’re aware of that or not, it is, always has been, and always will be what you are. Belief has nothing to do with it. Trying to achieve has nothing to do with it. It is already what…

  • That Depth of Relationship We Truly Seek | Jon Bernie | nonduality

    New Video: That Depth of Relationship We Truly Seek Jon Bernie talks to participants at this March 14, 2016 San Francisco, California satsang about the transformation of the personal self that occurs when we learn how to clear and integrate it — from the bigger perspective of our essential nature. Subscribe to Jon’s YouTube channel (free) to…