
  • Cracking the Paradigm–part 1 of the spiritual laboratory

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  • Developing Energetic Consciousness: part 2 of the spiritual laboratory

    Subscribe to Jon’s YouTube channel (free) to be notified as new videos are added.

  • Each Moment is New: part 3 of the spiritual laboratory

    Subscribe to Jon’s YouTube channel (free) to be notified as new videos are added.

  • Trusting Your Internal Guidance System: part 4 of the spiritual laboratory

    Subscribe to Jon’s YouTube channel (free) to be notified as new videos are added.

  • Turning Awareness On

    Suffering is when we’re very identified, when we’re so contracted in our beliefs that there’s no sense of humor, no lightness. It’s heavy. It’s a bummer! But you can bring awareness in such a way that opening happens; you can question in such a way that the mind dissolves. And when you’re fully here the…

  • Being Available for Connection

    When we are here–not in the future–we are available for connection…which is our true nature. We need love–to feel connected on a human level–not just this groovy bliss of spirituality…that’s just the beginning….The follow-up is the ongoing healing of transformation. Being open is the ability to be with that mystery as it unfolds. Recorded at…

  • Noticing with the Heart

    The noticing that I’m describing is free of judgment, interpretation, comparison, analysis. So bring yourself back to a place where there’s spacious awareness. Widen your field to find that place where there is no resistance. Feel your heart opening, moving, unwinding. Feel your mind relaxing. There’s nothing like being unburdened. It’s fresh, and it’s always…

  • How to Be Here

    The fundamental teaching of being here is… just being here. No grasping; no holding; no trying. No understanding. No mind, no body; no nothing! Just being. Those are not concepts; rather, they are descriptions of how it is when *just being* is happening.

  • Call Yourself Home

    If you’re not here, where are you? If you have a moment, you might try arriving, and allowing yourself to become embodied. Allow your awareness to fully permeate your whole nervous system; and your amorphous emotional realm; and even your mind! That’s part of the miracle and mystery too.

  • The Space of Deepest Acceptance

    Our nature is like the ocean, infinitely deep and beautiful. True acceptance is perceiving from that spaciousness, from the energetic fundamental nature that we are — from awareness itself.