
  • Freedom is Your Birthright

    Enjoy the moments of freedom that you have, even if they’re just brief little glimpses, or tiny little tastes. Those tiny little tastes, eventually, are the seeds that sprout and grow into the profound trust that will allow you to fully let go.

  • The Taste of the Truth

    Everything is mirroring what you are in this moment. The struggle ends there. And then there’s this intimacy of being, this closeness of interconnection — the taste of the truth.

  • Live from the Heart

    Probably the most important instruction is to really live from your heart. To really see from your heart. To approach your human condition, whatever it’s presenting, with love, with forgiveness, with compassion and gratitude.

  • What is Awareness?

    Can you locate awareness? Recently I’ve come up with some suggestions that might be helpful, some hints for allowing awareness to emerge.

  • Align with the Truth

    We are absolutely, perfectly being guided. So how can you find that guidance? How can you tune into, or feel, sense or see, what is clearly being shown to you, right now?

  • Let the Light In

    How can you be a channel, rather than a receptacle? In other words, how can you be a vehicle for movement of energy, rather than a contained unit that’s separate? How can you be vulnerable, rather than defended? How can you be open so the light can come in?

  • Liberate the Mind

    How can you become free from the type of thinking that’s constricting, limiting? Thinking doesn’t have to be restricting. It can be liberating. The mind can be liberated, just like the heart and the body.

  • Realm of No Control

    Once we get out of the way — once we find out how to actually get out of the way — then we begin to receive the profound, beautiful grace of presence and awakened consciousness, the joy and bliss of this mysterious life, and it begins to radiate through every cell in this body, literally…

  • The Pleasure of Just Being

    When you can really tune in and listen, completely surrendering, allowing this presence that you are to literally liberate you, then it’s a total joy to be here. And enjoying this richness is nothing that needs to be held onto at all. Then life is just one discovery after another, one surprise after another, one…

  • Alignment with the Mystery

    There’s really no spiritual work to be done; there’s only human work. And when we really understand the human work, then naturally the spirit radiates and the heart expands.