
  • The Ultimate Listening

    “If you’re deeply tuned into listening — free of mind, free of thought, listening from the vastness of the heart — that is the ultimate listening. May you deepen and expand into that amazing listening that continues, reveals and unfolds, endlessly and forever.” Recorded 9/8/2012 in Santa Cruz.

  • The Intimacy of Non-Separation

    “What you want on the deepest level is who you really and truly are, already. So how do you allow the unveiling of that? How do you allow the revelation of your profound presence of being, which is the guiding light of life? By not knowing how, by letting go into trust;  by letting go…

  • The Mirror of This Moment

    “Whatever brings you back, right here — that’s all you need, the mirror of this moment. Can you look, and listen, free of judgments and conclusions? What’s in the mirror right now, the mirror of your seeing, the mirror of your listening? Can you just let it be, without knowing what it means; without strengthening the story of…

  • The Movement of Aliveness

    “I like to use the word ‘awakening’ rather than ‘awakened’. ‘Awakened’ sounds like a place that you got to, something you became; but awakening is a description of this emanation of energy and presence that we are — this radiant light of being. It’s a movement; it’s a happening. It’s an energetic aliveness.” Recorded 7/16/2012 in…

  • What’s In the Way of Just Being?

    “Ultimately, freedom is the absence of any condition. And yet, freedom means we can return to this moment, whatever may be facing us right now, no matter how difficult, and bring our whole self to it, meet it completely with love, and compassion, and tenderness.” Recorded 7/9/2012 in San Francisco.

  • The Opportunity Each Moment

    “When we become free of who we think we are, we no longer live in the enclosure of the story we’ve told ourselves, but rather are freshly in this moment, alive, innocent, like a child.” Recorded 6/25/2012 in San Francisco.

  • Constant Discovery

    “This unknowable life is a mirror that allows us to discover the truth — not by beliefs, or concepts, or dogma, but by constant discovery.” Recorded 6/18/2012 in San Francisco.

  • Profound Acceptance

    In our gatherings, we have the opportunity to look at what is — what’s present, what’s happening, what’s coming up. Not because we want to figure it out, but simply because it is what’s coming up. It doesn’t need to be understood, or figured out — it is what it is, whether or not we understand it.…

  • Listen from the Heart

    “Awakening is the discovery of your true nature. It may just be a flash; it may just be a glimpse, or a taste, or a sense. It could be fleeting. But it’s the beginning of the possibility of full aliveness, of really living from the heart.” Recorded 6/9/2012 in Santa Cruz.

  • One Continuous Mistake

    You can’t really follow someone else; ultimately it’s not even possible. A good teacher helps you to find your own way, and supports you in simply living your own life, with all its challenges and pitfalls, while allowing yourself to deepen into the mystery and the insecurity of not knowing. Naturally you want to get it right, you…