
  • Born Every Moment

    “When awakening has shown itself, you realize you are not the crazy mind, even though that may still be operating, doing its dance. But you are not that! You are this aliveness, this attention, this presence; this life force that animates this amazing form called the body. And everything gets rebalanced, everything gets reorganized… Each…

  • The Dirt on Spiritual Teachers

    “Enlightened” teachers are perfect, right? You must be kidding! Do you believe that awakening to your true nature will somehow perfect your human nature? That awakening is like some kind of magic trick? Presto change-o and voila: parking is automatically available, even on Russian Hill in San Francisco; you are instantly floating in financial abundance;…

    The Dirt on Spiritual Teachers
  • Reclaiming the Human Dynamic

    “Why is it that we have moments of awakening, of really seeing or sensing or recognzing oneness, but then pull back into separation, resistance, avoidance; or longing, or analyzing? What is it that pulls us back into identity, the identity of the separate drama of who we are?” Recorded 5/14/2012 in San Francisco.

  • The Pathless Path

    “Awakening — discovering your true nature, really intimately merging with it, even for just a flash — is the beginning of the pathless path. And that realization can set all kinds of things in motion.” Recorded 5/12/2012 in Santa Cruz.

  • Freedom Itself

    “We are literally the force of nature. Just be this presence, this aliveness, and see how the world is incredibly transformed.” Recorded 4/30/2012 in San Francisco.

  • No Going Back

    “When you’ve really entered this realm, there’s no going back. It’s right now — it’s right here. There’s an immediacy of awakened being, awakened presence.” Recorded 4/23/2012 in Santa Cruz.

  • A Taste of the Infinite

    When you taste your true nature, you realize that it’s infinite. You can’t contain it; you can’t control it; you can’t hold on to it. Its very nature is letting go, opening, expanding — illuminating.” Recorded 4/16/2012 in San Francisco.

  • Big Heart, Big Mind

    “Contentment is when all the energies are lined up; when they’re all integrated, all flowing together, a perfectly balanced ecosystem. That’s equanimity, harmony — your true nature.” Recorded 3/26/2012 in San Francisco.

  • Living Fully Each Moment

    “Freedom isn’t about not being human. It’s actually the opposite — it’s about being fully actualized as a human. Isn’t that really the purpose of life? To live fully each moment…” Recorded 3/12/2012 in San Francisco.

  • A Sanctuary Without Walls

    “How do you let go into the disorientation of no personal self? I think as the realization becomes more fully integrated, more foreground, then it’s just obvious. I like how in Buddhism they refer to it as a refuge, because it really is a sanctuary. A sanctuary without walls; a sanctuary without beliefs. Your true…