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What is Surrender?
“You can’t personally surrender — letting go happens by itself. But if we deny or avoid the struggle, or resist it or try to manipulate it, we feed it. Surrendering means being awake in the struggle — in the center of it.” Recorded 2/27/2012 in San Francisco.
What’s In the Way?
“Notice what’s in the way, realizing nothing needs to be done, nothing needs to be fixed, figured out, gotten rid of; but just simply perceived, fully. When that occurs, awareness opens into itself.” Recorded 2/11/2012 in Santa Cruz.
The Intimacy of Seeing
“Everytime you look, you can notice if there’s projection going on, or if there’s just this vulnerability, this intimacy of seeing… The truth is unknowable, it’s a mystery. And we are that mystery. As soon as you realize that, a lot of the burden will drop away, because then you’ll know it’s within, that you…
Dissolving the Filter of Belief
“Ironically, with no self, life becomes completely intentional. There’s a clarity, an exactness in each moment, because nothing is in the way. There’s no filter in the way of experience.” Recorded 1/23/2012 in San Francisco.
The Intimacy of Allowing
“What’s it like to just allow waiting? Allow expecting? Allow wanting to know? How can you become familiar with the intimacy of allowing?” Recorded 1/16/2012 in San Francisco.
Silence, Energy and Vastness
“As listening into the silence deepens — that realization that we are just pure energy, that we are vastness itself — then I think we finally learn to be human, we finally learn to take care of ourselves, and the planet, and whatever’s next. And resting in equanimity becomes the default setting.” Recorded 1/14/2012 in…
No One In the Way
“It’s ok to have beliefs, as long as you don’t believe them — as long as you know they’re beliefs, as long as you’re not bound, imprisoned, chained by them. Then seeing is seeing, and listening is listening, even when it’s silent. There’s the flow of receiving and giving. There’s no one in the way.…
An Infinite Array of Possibilities
“The purpose of life is to be fully alive, however that’s appearing right now, and it appears in an infinite array of possibilities. Uniquely, creatively discovering each moment, the presence that we are is the creative intelligent force of the universe. We are that! And I think we’re just beginning to tap into the possibility…
The Ultimate Generosity
“You’ve probably heard the saying, ‘give until it hurts’. But what I want to offer is: give until you don’t exist anymore, until you dissolve. That’s complete giving, when you give of yourself so completely that there’s no more holding back… Because then the light that you are can just shine, the energy that you…
The Great Silence
The great silence is filled with light, and it illuminates from the inside out as we listen into it — as we tune in and allow ourselves to be healed of our loss, of our dissappointment, our pain, our lack of control. Our natural state, our natural being, is really no holding, no holding back.…