
  • Wisdom of the Heart

    This week Jon emphasizes the importance of flexibility and openness in the face of changing conditions; discusses aligning intention with action while moving from a higher level; and points out that while we may instinctively avoid unsettledness and disturbance, in fact it is the gift of adversity that propels us beyond the comfort zone of…

  • Tuning In

    When we’ve had enough of thinking about spirituality, what’s left? Jon recommends we take the opportunity stillness offers to really tune into our experience beyond simply thinking about it; encourages us to discover life directly through feeling and sensing; and suggests that wisdom is truly revealed when we stop perceiving through our heads and instead…

  • Falling Awake

    How often are we in the way of what’s happening? This week Jon suggests we notice where we’re pushing and pulling our experience, and instead encourages us simply to relax and allow life to unfold, and allow ourselves to be guided; and emphasizes that the more we give to awareness, the more it gives to…

  • Waves Within Waves

    This week Jon discusses the infinite pattern of influences to which we’re all subject, and invites us to drop in, surrender, and allow ourselves to be fully overwhelmed — and fully alive. Recorded 6/21/2010 in San Francisco. We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our…

  • The Fullness of Life

    Jon invites us to distinguish carefully between clarity and knowing; to question not only our beliefs, but also our intuitions; and to find out how to let our experience be, yet simultaneously become completely intimate with it. Recorded 6/12/2010 in Santa Cruz. We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when…

  • Shifting Into Being

    Jon discusses the ways our personal cycles can sometimes make it feel like we’re losing ground in our practice; points out that what feels like backsliding can actually often be progress; and encourages us to shift our attention to what’s outside the realm of cycles, and allow clarity to facilitate itself. Recorded 6/14/2010 in San…

  • Learning Without Believing

    This week Jon explores the ways beliefs can prevent learning; invites us to distinguish carefully between movement and holding; and points to allowing the movement of the heart as the prerequisite for true learning. Recorded 6/7/2010 in San Francisco. We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to…

  • Nothing In the Way

    Jon points out that non-self is simply our natural condition when we fully engage with our experience; suggests that “learning” in the spiritual sense is really more a kind of un-learning; and inquires into the nature of the identity’s gradual unwinding. Recorded 5/17/2010 in San Francisco. We are happy to offer these podcasts for free,…

  • Sleight of Mind

    This week Jon compares spiritual practice to stage magic, pointing out the conscious redirection of attention that is key to both; suggests that real transformation is not something we do, but is truly the natural order of life itself; and challenges us to take the risk of stepping into the unknown. Recorded 5/10/2010 in San…

  • Aliveness Emerging

    This week Jon discusses the endless rediscovery that begins as we learn to allow aliveness to emerge; finding balance beyond the personal identity; and navigating the ongoing adjustment process as we let go of old ways of being. Recorded 4/26/2010 in San Francisco. We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful…