
  • Listening Into the Silence

    Jon points out that in satsang, silence is happening regardless of whether or not we’re speaking, and invites us to listen into that silence; challenges us to look for the cutting edge of our own process of discovery; and suggests that as we recover the deep consciousness of our senses, we inevitably begin to notice…

  • Getting It As It Is

    Jon points to the difference between being caught in one’s story and expressing oneself in the space of true listening; how conscious dialogue can facilitate release from one’s limiting condition; and the fire of transformation we enter when speaking and listening become imbued with energy. Recorded 4/19/2010 in San Francisco.

  • Learning to Get Out of the Way

    Jon discusses the nature of learning and growth; how consciousness evolves as we deepen in the spiritual process; and how true learning leads us to gradually allow ourselves to become fully available to awakening. Recorded 4/10/2010 in Santa Cruz.

  • Resting In Awareness

    How is it possible to not do ? How is it possible to allow the self to fall away? This week Jon recommends resting in awareness, rather than trying to be aware; describes resting as “awareness in action”; and suggests that every moment of awareness is a moment of no-self. Recorded 4/12/2010 in San Francisco.

  • Becoming Truly Available

    This week Jon suggests that the fastest way to freedom is truly to love oneself; and that the main requirement for loving oneself is becoming truly available to one’s own experience. Recorded 1/18/2010 in San Francisco.

  • Allowing the Silence

    Jon discusses getting the mind of out our way; how stopping and truly allowing silence can show us the illusory nature of identity; and how dropping our search for awakening can instead allow awakening to find us. Recorded 3/29/2010 in San Francisco.

  • The End of Becoming

    This week Jon discusses the process of becoming cognizant of what was previously unconscious; finding out how to let go even where we’re not consciously aware we’re holding on; and points out that taking time to stop and pay attention can reveal that we’re still moving forward even when it feels like we’re standing still.…

  • Human Being

    Jon discusses the integration of human and being, and how that shift of perspective is the beginning of true compassion for the human condition; the taste of truth that helps us find our own way to freedom; and the joy of being that arises naturally when one is able to be truly open. Recorded 3/13/2010…

  • Allowing the Light

    In a talk given just before Christmas, Jon discusses the miraculous nature of even so-called negative experiences; reminds us that adversity is often a doorway to liberation; and emphasizes that allowing the dark is allowing the light. Recorded 12/21/2009.

  • Gratitude and Freedom

    In a talk given just before Thanksgiving, Jon discusses how appreciation and gratitude can open the heart; how awakening is not limited by conventional notions of perfection, but encompasses the full range of human experience; and the extraordinary ordinariness of the awakened life. Recorded 11/23/2009.