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Letting Go of Who We Think We Are
Jon discusses the dropping away of the attachment to mind and body; how maps are useful until they aren’t; and the importance of deep listening and being available to what is always being shown. Recorded 9/21/2009.
Understanding from the Heart
Jon discusses the deeper intelligence that arises when we drop the tendency to analyze and learn to listen from the heart; energetic shifts that can take place as we deepen into awareness; and learning to get out of the way of our own healing process. Recorded 9/14/2009.
Relaxing the Grip
Jon discusses the role of questioning; the value of letting go of the need to understand; and suggests that true learning is not separate from realization itself. Recorded 8/31/2009.
What We Think Is Negative Is Often a Doorway
In this satsang Jon discusses listening from the heart, the deeper listening that can arise when we let go of the struggle to understand; and how what we instinctively resist is often a doorway to freedom. Recorded 08/24/2009.