
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • Arriving at the Oasis


    The Oasis is where you are nourished, but it’s also where you are broken down; and where you are healed; and where you are liberated. Over and over and over, however much it happens, you’re always finding it. You’re always re-arriving here. Recorded 4/10/2017 in San Francisco. www.jonbernie.org

  • Spiritual Improvisation


    Can you, right now, let go of everything you’ve every learned, everything you’ve ever heard, everything you’ve ever experienced? Can you give yourself permission to be completely available? Now you’re completely outside the realm of knowing, and you’re totally available to discover, every moment, how to follow the light. Recorded 2/20/2017 in San Francisco.

  • No News is Good News!


    When all the stories of the mind are dropped, it’s good news. We’re constantly talking to ourselves, constantly thinking — until we’re awake, fully present, and not interfering. Then every moment is new. Every moment is alive, right here.

    And that’s really what we’re here for — to discover the ease of being, and to bring that radiant embodiment into our life, into our relationships, into all the things we do. That vibrant, fundamental nature that we are is inspiration itself. Inspired literally means filled with the energy of breath; filled with the light.

    Recorded 2/6/2017 in San Francisco.

  • Profound Fulfillment and True Satisfaction


    When everything in your experience arises from awakening, your life has a clarity of direction that arises from alignment with the source of your being. Now you live fully as consciousness itself, with a mind that is so flexible it can understand any position, any perspective, but without believing or being attached to any of them. Freedom of mind leads to freedom of the heart, which leads to freedom of the spirit. Recorded 1/23/2017 in San Francisco.

  • Let *It* Let Go


    The one who wants to be free is incapable of letting go.  But eventually, as the space of awareness grows, it loses its power to control.  So as you’re able now, rest in awareness. Whatever might still be holding on, whatever might be resisting, or whatever might be grasping — just be the space of awareness that lets *it* let go.

    Recorded 1/14/2017 at Jon Bernie’s Santa Cruz meditation gathering. www.jonbernie.org

  • Everything is New


    Awakening is when you’re just here. Nothing coming or going. Everything is new, everything is fresh. When all our filters drop away and there’s just this presence, we can come to a deeper, centered alignment in our being.

    And when you feel that presence emerging, that’s what you want to give your attention to. Words can only point to that possibility. It’s your job to find the truth. No one can give that to you, because it is you. It’s your nature.

    Recorded 1/2/2017 at San Francisco meditation gathering with Jon Bernie. Embodied Awareness podcasts for spiritual awakening, mindfulness, relaxation & healing.

  • Healing Social Trauma


    It’s in times of darkness that we most need the light. That’s when we’re really challenged to either run and hide and avoid, or face what’s right here. So thank you for showing up for yourself. As hard as it is right now, to cultivate consciousness is to drop knowing; to drop, at least for a while, the past and the future, and the whole story, so that we can allow the healing of our burdened hearts and bodies and minds, and not get completely dragged away in our fears and aggressions. We’re here for healing — healing and recovery, and some nourishment of peace.

  • Every Taste is Delicious


    “Have you found out yet what a relief it is to not think? It becomes effortless as you learn to relax into openness. It feels nurturing and comforting and healing.”

    When you’re no longer caught in meaning, or in trying to orchestrate or manage your experience, then you’re just here. You’re just open, vulnerable, available. Now it’s like every taste is delicious. You actually feel who you’re looking at. You’re willing to be touched, and to touch — to give and to receive. When you’re open, you’re no longer blocked in this container called “me.” That’s always the best time you can have — when you’re not in the way. There’s just this natural radiance, pure presence. It’s not even a big deal, really. It’s totally ordinary, and totally available to you right now. Recorded at San Francisco satsang July 11, 2016.

  • The Only Truth is Freedom


    What does it mean to arrive here fully? What *is* freedom? And what does it mean to truly take care of yourself?

  • Intimacy of the Heart


    Intimacy is the union of being with another without the filter of “me”. It’s a closeness, a heartfulness, an empathetic sensitivity. Even though we may not have conversed, we know each other profoundly. That’s really the depth of relationship that we seek. www.jonbernie.org