
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • Being Is the Meaning of Life


    This week Jon emphasizes that once we discover our essential nature, thinking about spirituality is no longer necessary or even likely; that once we’ve had even a glimpse of the truth, we naturally give ourselves to that; and suggests that only in that profound allowing of what is is the true meaning of life discovered. Recorded 11/15/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • It’s Always New


    Jon discusses the mystery of transmission, and how presence can in some sense be contagious; invites us to allow ourselves to see the infinitely new even where there might appear to be no movement; and points to the true vitality and aliveness that arise from simply relaxing into openness. Recorded 10/18/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Becoming Available to Yourself


    This week Jon offers the invitation, “really see if you can discover when you truly are available to yourself, and I mean that in the deepest sense. And when you are, really go in that direction, allow that to guide you, to move you into that fullness, into that openness. See if you can really begin to trust your own inner guidance, into the openness of being.” Recorded 11/1/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Relaxing Into Truth


    Jon points out that awakening can sometimes sneak in unnoticed, but that the momentum of seeking can nevertheless continue to propel our search for what, in fact, has already happened; invites us to notice the fullness of being that is already present, whatever our condition or state; and suggests that we allow ourselves to quite literally relax into awakening, and experience true rest for the first time. Recorded 10/9/2010 in Santa Cruz.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Harmony of the Body and Heart


    Jon addresses the confusion created by the common teaching that “there is no self”; points out that where our attention goes, energy goes also, and describes the healing and harmonizing process this can facilitate; and poses the question, “how often are we really available?” Recorded 9/20/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • The Ultimate Guidance


    This week Jon traces the backstory of our conditioning — our genetic histories, our cultural, religious and familial upbringings — and the momentum of that inheritance; suggests that transmission is the passing on of a deeper and more profound inheritance; and invites us to allow ourselves to become available to that truest kind of guidance. Recorded 9/13/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • The Movement in Stillness


    This week Jon poses the question, “when is stopping being, rather than just waiting?” and invites us to find out how to be available to the movement in stillness. Recorded 8/30/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • A Bigger Space of Listening


    This week Jon points out that while reality can’t ultimately be “figured out”, it’s nevertheless fun to try — our minds enjoy a good puzzle! But if we find that words and mental activity are getting in the way, Jon invites us to relax and allow meaning to dissolve, as we allow ourselves to open up to a bigger space. Recorded 8/9/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Taking the First Step


    This week Jon invites us to take the radical step of simply being here, and points out that expressing the truth of our experience is the surest way to facilitate true letting go. Recorded 7/26/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Waking From the Dream


    How much of our energy is not here? This week Jon points out that even asking the question recovers some of that energy, and brings us back into present moment; and suggests that waking up really happens only when the mind truly realizes it has never been in control. Recorded 7/19/2010 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!
