
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • True Surrender is Enlivening


    True surrender is enlivening. It’s energizing. It’s empowering. Because you’re letting go of being who you think you are, as awareness slowly, over time, becomes more embodied in your tissue, in your mind, in your heart. That’s the purpose of our life from awakening on. Recorded 12/4/2021 in San Francisco.

  • Clarity is What We Need


    Authentic, unique inner guidance is available to each one and every of us, all of the time. The question how often are we really aligned with it? How often are we authentically listening, seeing, feeling, and deeply, intuitively knowing that?

  • The Beginning of Understanding


    Awakening is the beginning of understanding what practice is. As you bring attention to what is, and you’re not in the way, then naturally, miraculously, consciousness merges into matter and you become more and more radiant, more free, and your life becomes more and more amazing.

    Awakening is the beginning of the path, and life, your whole life, is the process of allowing evolution to transform you.

  • The Cause of All Suffering


    Beliefs are the cause of all suffering. So pay close attention to what you believe. A useful belief might get you to where you are, just don’t let it be the prison of your eternal unhappiness, but rather the gateway to your freedom.

  • Stop, Tune In and Listen


    Keep your mind open and free of any conclusions. Ask deeply within yourself, or into your true connectedness: “May I be open and clear to receive what is being given.” When you are filled and touched with grace, with presence, with what we call the transmission of the Dharma, that’s exactly what’s happening. And all you have to do is ask, and be available to receive.

  • Beyond the Teachings


    When you sit, stop, and tune in, you’re entering an infinite realm of discovery and possibility. So what you think about it, the beliefs you have about it, what you’ve heard about it – all that can go into the background, so that you can actually begin to see, and feel, and be available, fresh, for what’s happening. You have to go beyond the teachings. You have to go beyond your own beliefs, especially ones that you are very attached to.

    Recorded July 17, 2021 in San Francisco

  • The Secret Way to Freedom


    The secret way to freedom is to allow yourself to become intimate with the unconscious struggle that is programmed into you. It’s a struggle you don’t even necessarily know you have until you stop, eliminate as many distractions as possible, and actually pay attention to how conditioning has been literally imprinted into your nervous system, your tissue, your mind and your emotional body. It is not asking for your conclusions, judgments, analysis, or attempts to fix it, figure it out, or get rid of it. So don’t even try. Relax, let it all go, and allow the natural centering of being to open itself to you in its own way, and in its own time, endlessly. Recorded 3/13/2021 in San Francisco.

  • The Natural Movement of Awareness


    Enlightenment and awareness are happening naturally. That’s what brought you here, that movement within you. Natural healing is nothing more than the process of awakening and becoming liberated. A flower growing in a garden has its own wisdom that produces that beautiful blossom and that wonderful fragrance, and you are exactly like that rose. Recorded 2/13/2021 in San Francisco.

  • Beyond the Force Field of Struggle


    It’s important to remind yourself to not get caught in that force field of struggle, of worry and concern, but rather to bring more attention to and just be present with what’s arising, whatever it is, so that it can naturally circulate through and out of your system and be integrated into a deeper realm of equanimity and peacefulness. Recorded 1/9/2021 in San Francisco.

  • Integrated Freedom


    I want to wish you a very happy and healthy new year. I know we’ve had one of the hardest years in history, but here we are. We’re still here. So just allow yourself to be here, right now. As you open more and more into the Divine, the Vastness, whatever you want to call it, you have the opportunity to become more fully human. Embrace that opportunity! Our humanity is literally the fuel for the fire of transformation and integrated freedom.