
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • Return Back to Presence


    We are continually learning to return back to presence regardless of where we get stuck.  This podcast on self discovery was recorded in San Francisco, CA. on 09-09-2019.   

    Find calm and healing in this relaxing, mindful living Podcast by Adyashanti-lineage teacher Jon Bernie. 

    Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube!

    NEW: Experience live satsang, guided meditations and direct guidance from wherever you live:  Online Satsangs with Jon Bernie!

    Friend or follow Jon Bernie on Facebook here.


    #satsang #spirituality #nonduality #awakening

  • Trust Your Vulnerability


    Find calm and healing in this relaxing, mindful living Podcast by Adyashanti-lineage teacher Jon Bernie.  Let go of living in the mind and be happy!

    This podcast on self discovery was recorded at the San Francisco, California satsang on October 07, 2019.

    Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube!

    NEW: Experience live satsang, guided meditations and direct guidance from wherever you live:  Online Satsangs with Jon Bernie!

    Friend or follow Jon Bernie on Facebook here.


  • Higher Learning


    Find peace and healing in this relaxing, mindful Podcast by Adyashanti-lineage teacher Jon Bernie.  Let go of living in the mind and be happy!

    This podcast on spiritual healing and self reflection was recorded at the San Francisco, California satsang on August 12, 2019.

    Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube!

    NEW: Experience live satsang, guided meditations and direct guidance from wherever you live:  Online Satsangs with Jon Bernie!

    Friend or follow Jon Bernie on Facebook here.


  • Fresh and Alive Discovery


    Find calm and healing in this relaxing, mindful living Podcast by Adyashanti-lineage teacher Jon Bernie.  Let go of living in the mind and be happy!

    This podcast on spiritual healing and mindful living was recorded at the San Francisco, California satsang on March 5, 2018.

    Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube!

    NEW: Experience live satsang, guided meditations and direct guidance from wherever you live:  Online Satsangs with Jon Bernie!

    Friend or follow Jon Bernie on Facebook here.


  • The Clarity of Your Essential Being


    Find calm & healing in this relaxing, mindful living podcast by Adyashanti-lineage spiritual teacher Jon Bernie. Let go of living in the mind & be happy!

    The Clarity of Your Essential Being

    As you arrive fully and become more intimate with the clarity of your essential being, you’re really just here. You’re not living in the mind. You utilize the mind for whatever it’s needed for, but it’s not where you reside.

    “Here” is the end of knowing. The end of the knower; the end of the one who understands. Now there’s just being understanding. That’s when you’re just here. You’re not coming from, or going to. There’s a planted, grounded, open, spacious, loving, appreciative, human reality.

    Tell the truth. Why? Because you need to. Your heart needs to. Your body and spirit need to. That’s why we lose the now, lose the presence. We’ve gotten caught up in the tangle of the condition, and it’s a web of fog that obscures the sun. But even though it’s foggy, you can feel the sun up there. Presence is the same. Even though you’re not aware of it, that doesn’t mean you’ve lost it, doesn’t mean you’re off track.

    Life — and reality! — is a constant rebalancing. Nature is always finding a balance, within and without. Within your own body, your mind, your heart, your nervous system, your energy system — and the external so-called world. When you begin to understand that, more and more deeply and profoundly, you begin to trust in a way that gives you permission to tell the truth.

    www.jonbernie.org  This podcast on spiritual healing and mindful living was recorded at the Santa Cruz, California satsang on July 13, 2019.

    Hear other satsang talks on mindful living, spiritual healing and finding happiness by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube!

    NEW: Experience live satsang, guided meditations and direct guidance from wherever you live:  Online Satsangs with Jon Bernie!

    Friend or follow Jon Bernie on Facebook here.

  • Taking Time to Restore Yourself in the Open-hearted Beingness Beyond Words


    Taking Time for Yourself in the Open-hearted Beingness Beyond Words | Jon Bernie Embodied Awareness podcasts

    “Won’t it be wonderful when we can do this without any words? Just our open-hearted beingness, unprotected, connecting. Because in that space, everything is already known.”

    “Sometimes, you need time for yourself to get clear. You know, we mix our energies all the time with other people, other people’s energies, and this is why we also need the sanctuary of our own solitude at times, to really clear in all the ways, and get grounded and opened and refreshed, quite frankly. Restored. Otherwise it can get too cluttered. Too many notes at once make noise.

    When you really discover it, and how important it really is for you then it’s not an obligation or an ask or, “I have to meditate” or some trip you have to lay on yourself, no, it’s like going to Lordes. It’s like going to the Holy Land.  It’s where you are going to find healing, your sanctuary. And then when you realize that, nothing is going to get in the way of that.

    And it’s not a big deal, not a heavy trip, it’s just simple. It’s very Zen. Sleep when tired, Eat when hungry. We can get so distracted and so scattered in our lives that lose track of what’s really important.

    One of the natural movements of it working is that you’ll find yourself happier. More joyful, less burdened in your heart. Because letting go is lighter. Unburdened is lighter. That’s what enlightenment means–is lighter. Emanating light. it’s not something that we do or accomplish or figure out. It is just the nature of all … of everything. All matter, fundamentally, is energy. It’s too far out to understand; it’s incomprehensible. But it’s true.

    Every moment is an infinite new experience — an infinity opening up. And you are absolutely, integrally one with that. Always have been, always will be.”

    www.jonbernie.org  Recorded at the San Francisco, California satsang on January 22, 2018.

    Stay connected by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube!
    NEW: Join us from wherever you live:  Online Satsangs with Jon
    Join the Facebook community here.
  • Reclaim Your Chicken — being present in the moment


    Being present in the moment is almost a thing of the past. For healing, we have to reclaim the parts of ourselves that we’ve cut off. This healing is just a natural re-balancing of the nervous system. It isn’t about getting rid of a condition. It’s a kind of balancing where you are in harmony, even with imperfection.

    Being present in the moment means just be fully attentive, without thoughts interfering. Have gentle attentiveness—an easy, soft, tender, gentle, relaxed attentiveness, free of the interference of thinking. Just looking, seeing, without defensiveness, without resistance. Just looking and seeing without wanting something.

    Being does not require thought. Being is your natural ease of awareness. When you are connected like that, naturally there is empathy, loving kindness, peace.

    How wonderful when you begin to actually experience peace and ease throughout your whole nervous system. And at least, maybe just for now, there literally is no where to go, nothing to do, and no one to be. What a relief! Then we really see, and the seeing is also a feeling, it’s a being, it’s a listening, it’s a connection. Being present in the moment is all systems simultaneously, at once. It’s a kind of profound synesthesia. There’s a nourishment of loving, and giving, and receiving, that’s all the same thing at the same time.

    www.jonbernie.org  Recorded at the San Francisco, California satsang on June 3, 2019.

    Listen to more about Being Present in the Moment and other teachings in Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube!
    Connect and get direct feedback:  Online Satsangs with Jon
    Join the Facebook community here.
  • Meditation In Action


    Meditation in action is a spiritual practice you can do all the time or whenever you feel like it. Enjoy this beautiful satsang talk that could be used as a guided meditation on letting go, undefended love, awareness and attention, dissolving the false sense of self so that real connection, creativity, happiness, healing and unconditional fulfillment are naturally present.  Enlightenment is a side effect! When you face the infinite there can be fear of falling into an abyss. There can be a wall known as the “dark night of the soul”. But once you have been filled with the aroma of the divine, there is no going back!

    www.jonbernie.org  Recorded at the San Francisco, California satsang on March 11, 2019.


    “You can practice what we used to call meditation in action all the time or whenever you feel it.  What does that mean?  It means you can become fully present even if you are an attorney in a courtroom with high mental functioning.  Even if you are a concert violinist playing in front of three thousand people, or taking out the garbage, or cleaning the kitchen.  Even right now, as you read these words.  You could be completely free right now.  Nothing is stopping you.  Just a thought called me.  Drop the “I”, drop the “me”, and you will discover that when we look at each other, we are completely connected.  You might notice some resistance, some sense of your own projections and fear around letting go.  That’s natural.  Become a lover of the ecstatic, experience the thrill of letting go.”

    Stay connected by subscribing to Jon’s free podcasts and videos on YouTube!
    NEW: Join us from wherever you live:  Online Satsangs with Jon
    Join the Facebook community here.

    Get Jon’s recent book:
  • Healing with the Practice of Presence


    Self-healing Podcasts by Jon Bernie. “Amid the post-traumatic stress of bad news these days, it takes more effort to be available.  It takes work to be conscious.  It takes even more effort to be intimate with reality, because reality can be pretty difficult to accept.  As you open more deeply, there is a realm of acceptance that has no opinion.  That is a trusting, integrated connection to the life force itself, which is from our human perspective completely unknowable.  It is just open aliveness.”

    “You are healed when you are truly open, and giving and receiving unconditional love. Regardless of whether you are healthy or not, whether your disease or illness has gone away!  The truth is you are healed because you are connected— you are aligned with the ecosystem of life itself.  By being present, by being available to what is happening in your experience, you begin to step out of the way of being in control, and healing naturally starts to happen.  Here is the good news:  the side-effect of self-healing is spiritual awakening and enlightenment.”

    Recorded at Santa Cruz, California satsang on 04-13-2019.  Uplifting podcasts for spiritual awakening, self-healing, mindfulness, unconditional love. www.jonbernie.org

  • Trusting the Wisdom of Your Life Force


    For spiritual transformation to be possible, we must cultivate and engage with a very deep kind of trust.  This is not the kind of personal trust that has an interplay with the ego — ego cannot trust. This trust is the deeper realm of openness, of freedom, of liberation. It can manifest in ways like freedom from reactivity, loving kindness, joy, connectedness, bliss. www.jonbernie.org  Recorded at Jon Bernie’s daylong meditation retreat in El Cerrito, California. on 01-26-2019.  Meditation & Awakening Podcasts | Online Meditation Events | Spiritual Retreats