
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • Beyond the ‘I’


    “Who would we be without our our personal history? Who would we be without our future? Who would we be without the ‘I’ thought? What would we be? How would we live this life?” Recorded 6/11/2011 in Santa Cruz.

  • The Space of Questioning


    “How can you cultivate a flexible mind? Maybe you can’t get rid of your mind, maybe you can’t control it; but can you encourage it to be flexible? Can you notice if your mind or your beliefs are limiting you in some way?” Recorded 5/30/2011 in San Francisco.

  • The Aliveness of This Moment


    “Thought is very much a part of the creative force. But how did it get out of control, so to speak? How did it go crazy? Why does it think it’s running the show? When you have a taste of energy, of awareness, of presence, then you can become free of the controlling, dominating mind. You can really rest in aliveness right now. You can be relieved of the burden of the struggle.” Recorded 5/23/2011 in San Francisco.


  • Who’s In Control?


    “Why can’t we just let go? What are we afraid of? The question, continually, is how do we arrive here? One way is to find out what’s holding us back from being here, or pushing us away from being here…” Recorded 7/11/2011 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Beyond Description


    “What would be happening if you couldn’t describe what’s happening? If all language dropped away, all description dropped away — who would you be without the description of who you are?” Recorded 5/16/2011 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • What Is the Body?


    “Let’s say the body is a vehicle for discovery, an instrument. How is it that we use this body, so often, unconsciously? What would happen if when talking, you actually listened to the instrument, to the vibration through the whole instrument? If you listen, you’ll realize that every cell is resonating in the sound, and that sound, fundamentally, is energy. And energy is fundamentally who you are. So even by the simple act of paying attention to speaking, you could realize who you are. You could realize the truth of being.” Recorded 5/9/2011 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Dissolving Body and Mind


    “How is it possible to completely dissolve, to allow the body and the mind and the emotional realm to completely dissolve, so there’s only consciousness present? … When there’s just pure consciousness, there’s an extraordinary aliveness that we realize we are.” Recorded 4/25/2011 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Facing Yourself Right Now


    This week Jon invites us to drop our interpretation of what’s arising and allow ourselves to not know, even if only for only a moment; and emphasizes that when you can truly be with whatever is present right now — with yourself, however you are, right now — then in this moment you’re right on the edge of freedom. Recorded 4/18/2011 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Expression in the Depth of Stillness


    This week Jon discusses the importance of expression and our need to be heard, while emphasizing that expression must come from and be informed by stillness. As Jon says, “stillness is what holds us up; is what supports us, nourishes us, heals us, and gives us what we want. You can ask into that stillness, you can offer everything into that stillness. Because it is yourself — the creative intelligent force of the universe.” Recorded 3/28/2011 in San Francisco.

    We are happy to offer these podcasts for free, and are grateful when you donate to support our organization. Thank you!

  • Check out Jon’s Interview on “Being Ordinary”

    Here’s what the creators of “Being Ordinary” have to say about their website and podcasts:

    Being Ordinary is a website created by two friends, Tom and Mike, and is dedicated to the expression and exploration of what it truly means to be a human being. Ideas such as Enlightenment, Awakening or Self-Realisation, often serve to distract us from the ordinary and mundane from which we assume we must  escape or transcend. Yet if seen clearly, simple and directly, the ordinary can lead us into total acceptance and end the search for something ‘extra’.

    Regarding this podcast: “Mike speaks with Jon Bernie whose awakening at the age of 16 ignited a spiritual journey exploring  Zen, Vipassana and Advaita.  He studied with teachers such as Jean Klein, Robert Adams, Papaji and Adyashanti who in 2002 asked Jon to teach.  Supported by the Clear Water Sangha Jon offers regular classes and retreats in the San Francisco Bay Area and beyond.”

    Here’s the link to the podcast: