Mindfulness podcasts

  • Everything is New

    Awakening is when you’re just here. Nothing coming or going. Everything is new, everything is fresh. When all our filters drop away and there’s just this presence, we can come to a deeper, centered alignment in our being. And when you feel that presence emerging, that’s what you want to give your attention to. Words…

  • Every Taste is Delicious

    “Have you found out yet what a relief it is to not think? It becomes effortless as you learn to relax into openness. It feels nurturing and comforting and healing.” When you’re no longer caught in meaning, or in trying to orchestrate or manage your experience, then you’re just here. You’re just open, vulnerable, available.…

  • Ask Into Vastness

    Are you able to surrender? Are you able to just be here? Whatever way works for you in this moment, it will open you, and it will bring you back into a harmonious presence. Maybe just being here, sensing this energy or presence in the room, if you can sense, see or tune into that.…

  • Wait Without Waiting

    Eventually you get tired of trying — tired of wanting to know the answers, or how long it’s going to take — and you just kick back. You just open. You wait without waiting. Your deeper presence begins to emerge, and radiate, and become foreground. Our fundamental nature is energy. Aliveness. When you stop, when…

  • Questions that Release You

    “What will it take to dissolve your mind’s control? Freedom is the absence of the thought called ‘I’. So find the questions that release you, that relax you; that allow opening to happen.” Recorded 1/4/2016 in San Francisco. www.jonbernie.org