
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • Be Fully Alive


    “All that’s required to be here is simply to be here; not doing anything, and yet being fully present — awake! — attentive, open and relaxed. Then you might start to sense something — an expansion, an opening, a radiance, a presence — a force, even — within you, around you, moving through you. And you just let that work, because what you’re really learning is how to allow yourself to be fully alive.” Recorded 11/16/2015 in San Francisco.

  • Pure Zen


    “The teaching that happens here is not just verbal. These words those are just suggestions, pointers to a deeper energetic transmission, a shift in perception to realizing that we are everything. That’s not a belief, not just some groovy concept — in that shift you begin truly to align with the fundamental energy of life itself. Ironically, that energy is completely unknowable, and yet we are that, completely.” Recorded 11/14/2015 in Santa Cruz.

  • Go with the Flow


    “Everything we experience — thought, feeling, sensation, energy — originates from the source. But what is the source? That primal, alive movement is unknowable, and yet it is what we awaken to. Its movement is like waves; so we learn how to go with the flow.” Recorded 10/26/2015 in San Francisco.

  • Drop Who You Are


    If it’s not easy, you’re doing it wrong! Struggle is the opposite of surrender. But how do you surrender when the one who wants to surrender is also the one who wants to be in control? What works is dropping yourself — dropping who you think you are. Recorded 10/12/2015 in San Francisco.

  • Your Essence is Understanding


    You already understand. That which you truly are is the lifeforce, the creative, miraculous lifeforce; and when you’re really tuned into that understanding, it’s remarkable how well life can function.

  • The Gravitational Force Field of Freedom


    Waking up happens by itself, as soon as we find out how to let it. We are guided by the natural gravitation force field of freedom that is present in every cell, in every atom and molecule of your body, mind and heart. How could it not be? How could you not be one with the miracle and mystery of this existence? You are a creation of it.

  • Steeping in the Question


    Find out how to be in the question of your wanting. Not to think about it, or to look for the answer; but to let the mind open, and be released from struggle.

  • We Are Here


    “What is it that you fundamentally are, the constant in the ever-changing? What I’m pointing to is not a belief, but something much more pervasive. Where is that ease of being that is available to you right now, a natural letting go where you can allow your body, mind and heart to simply relax, and be deeply at ease?” Recorded 8/10/2015 in San Francisco.

  • The Secret to Letting Go


    “What perspective would allow you to be completely available? The magic of speaking into Big Mind is that the answer is literally in the question. It comes through the question, unknowingly, so that mystery remains a mystery. That’s why it’s so beautiful. To perceive it truly is to be awestruck.” Recorded 8/8/2015 in Santa Cruz.

  • Look Forward to Not Knowing


    “Listen without trying to understand the meaning of the words. Transmission is a nonverbal communication. It’s within you, always working. Be willing to be vulnerable, to actually be receptive to that inner guiding force transforming you.” Recorded 8/3/2015 in San Francisco.