
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • Transmission: The Teaching Beneath the Words


    Even though transmission may seem to be coming from outside of you, in reality that which you are is simply being awakened by that which everything is. When you’re really tuned into the transmission, there is no teacher, and no student. There’s just this radiant field of energy, flowing in every direction simultaneously. Recorded 7/13/2015 in San Francisco.

  • If It Feels Good, Be It!


    “How often do we experience ordinary moments as sensual, rather than observing them in some detached way? The truth is that there is nothing and no one outside of yourself. When we become the space of being, there is nothing outside of us. When you begin to realize that you are everything that is perceived, then how you bring attention to it has the possibility of sensuality, of love; of tenderness, compassion, and even forgiveness for the parts that are still acting out.” Recorded 7/11/2015 in Santa Cruz.

  • Zen Algebra


    “One minus one equals freedom. Coming back to zero, everything and nothing simultaneously. Relative and absolute integrated — one minus one. Whatever you have, give it away. Whatever you’re holding on to, let go of. Return back to zero; to openness; to clarity. Then you are what you see. You are what you feel. Everyone, in their own experience, has to find out how to make *one minus one* happen.” Recorded 6/15/2015 in San Francisco.

  • Letting *Letting Go* Happen


    “Let yourself begin to find a natural, easy stillness.  In allowing yourself simply to be aware — to be awareness — you literally begin to feel or see as spaciousness, as presence; as vast, boundaryless consciousness itself, enriching and enlivening your whole being.” Recorded 6/13/2015 in Santa Cruz.

  • The Miracle of Pure Aliveness


    “Forget everything you know: your past, your future, your beliefs. Because what happens here is a mysterious, amazing, miraculous process of becoming unburdened, of lightening up — of enlightening! — so that the light that you are actually can shine, the loving heart that you are can radiate, and you can be happy — unconditionally happy — and have a good life.” Recorded 5/30/2015 in Tiburon.

  • Discovering What’s Real


    “The real gift of awakening and opening is truly loving. We open into being authentically loving beings — enlightened, radiant, filled with spirit, and completely grounded in authentic humanity.” Recorded 4/13/2015 in San Francisco.

  • What’s In the Way?


    What is “awake”? Awake is when you’re connected, when you’re actually available to what you’re sensing and feeling, and to what others are sensing and feeling. When we stop, when we open, we see and feel how we’ve been holding back, and how we can begin to get out of our own way.

  • The Reality of Connection


    Connection is our true nature. It’s an aliveness, a presence, a vastness. The reason we come here — the reason we *are* here — is to discover that for the first time; or to rediscover it; or to deepen into what is already present for us.

  • Turning Awareness On


    Suffering is when we’re very identified, when we’re so contracted in our beliefs that there’s no sense of humor, no lightness. It’s heavy. It’s a bummer! But you can bring awareness in such a way that opening happens; you can question in such a way that the mind dissolves. And when you’re fully here the heart will open up, and then you’ll encounter this closeness, nearness, this intimacy with everything.

  • Noticing with the Heart


    The noticing that I’m describing is free of judgment, interpretation, comparison, analysis. So bring yourself back to a place where there’s spacious awareness. Widen your field to find that place where there is no resistance. Feel your heart opening, moving, unwinding. Feel your mind relaxing.

    There’s nothing like being unburdened. It’s fresh, and it’s always brand new. And you can find that bliss right now — not by trying, but by noticing with heart, with compassion; with patience, forgiveness and gratitude.