
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • The Path of Least Resistance


    The path of least resistance is not necessarily easy. We cease to turn away from what’s difficult, and learn to turn towards it instead, with the fullness of heart and the tenderness of body that vulnerability requires.

  • Living in the Vastness


    We may think awakening is the end of the road, but it’s actually the beginning; and the middle; and the end. And the journey of this life, this temporal, changing life, happens within that vastness.

  • The Meaning of Surrender


    Eventually we really understand what it means to surrender. It doesn’t mean giving up; it means letting go of controlling. The bird doesn’t control the wind, but it can fly. It’s one with the wind. And we’re one with awareness.

  • The Radiance of Aliveness


    When all drops away, there’s just this; and you realize oneness. It is revealed, instantly, to be how it is. It literally is light emanating. It’s kind of cool, really, to be the light. To let radiance emanate infinitely. To be the radiance of aliveness.

  • Let Go Into Being


    If you really listen, your heart will open up, and all that holding called “being somebody” will unwind and dissolve into spaciousness. Deeply knowing that you are not separate from this mysterious, miraculous life will engender trust in just being here.

  • Moment of Discovery


    When the doorway to the infinite opens, you can relax. Because it’s the end of trying; the end of seeking; and the beginning of discovery. The way of discovery is in listening and seeing from the heart, and becoming free of grip of the need to know.

  • Actual Happiness


    What we’re truly seeking is the actual happiness that comes from living in the vast, open heart of oneness. We are only burdened by the stories we are unable to express in the unconditional space of loving awareness. That’s why we come together — to make an offering, in silence or in dialogue, of whatever may be burdening our mind, our body, or our heart.

  • The Light in Each Other


    We see the light in each other. We feel the love of our one heart, and it is a blessing. It brings out gratitude and appreciation, and a real sense of what is truly the meaning of life: to be here, completely, without anything pushing or holding back. The meaning of life is to be fully at home, right now.

  • The Realm of Salvation


    Even when circumstance are bombarding or overwhelming you, you always can return right here, and find the flowering of truth within your own heart, your own body, your own being. Always available, always waiting for you to arrive home — infinitely patient, infinitely accepting. This essence that we are is the realm of our healing, the realm of our being forgiven, the realm of our transformation; the realm of our salvation.

  • Awaken and Heal


    “When awareness is present, give it all of your love, and surrender to it. Allow it to awaken and heal you. Every moment of recognizing it is really to be honored so that we let go of ‘when’, we let go of that future possibility, and we realize ‘when’ is actually now — only now.” Recorded 10/22/2012 in San Francisco.