
Spiritual podcasts for lovers of mindfulness, meditation, relaxation, spiritual awakening, enlightenment, nonduality and healing. Try them for reducing stress or anxiety, or for calm while falling asleep!

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  • Realm of No Control


    Once we get out of the way — once we find out how to actually get out of the way — then we begin to receive the profound, beautiful grace of presence and awakened consciousness, the joy and bliss of this mysterious life, and it begins to radiate through every cell in this body, literally illuminating and opening the heart.

  • The Pleasure of Just Being


    When you can really tune in and listen, completely surrendering, allowing this presence that you are to literally liberate you, then it’s a total joy to be here. And enjoying this richness is nothing that needs to be held onto at all. Then life is just one discovery after another, one surprise after another, one revelation after another.

  • Alignment with the Mystery


    There’s really no spiritual work to be done; there’s only human work. And when we really understand the human work, then naturally the spirit radiates and the heart expands.

  • Here to Be Here


    In the opening talk of a recent retreat, Jon offers: “We’re really here to be here — to dissolve into being here. Anything else is really extra… So relax and allow yourself to just be here. Allow yourself to be profoundly nurtured, and nourished, by the love and unconditional acceptance that’s in this space.”

  • Lightening the Load


    Eventually we see that life is really a mystery, and initially that can be frightening, upsetting, overwhelming. But eventually it’s freeing — it’s the openness of spaciousness, not the holding and contraction of knowing.

  • The Deep Guidance Within


    How can we become sensitive enough to perceive the deep guidance within? How can we become clear enough, and out of the way enough, that the message can come through?

  • The Intimacy of Being


    This week Jon returns to discuss his ongoing recovery from surgery, and reminds us that “the more you open to the deeper presence that you are, the more you can just be here with whatever’s happening — with whatever needs your attention, your loving tenderness and care.”

  • Pathway to Self-Healing


    As we open and awaken, we really realize our connectedness — not as a concept, but as an experiential presence, an intimacy of being right here, right now. In that realm of unity, our heart can open deeply, profoundly, vastly. Our Big Heart, the heart of unconditional compassion and love, can heal our human heart of all its wounds.

  • The Saving Grace of Awareness


    Listen into the silence; listen and observe from the heart. More is revealed all the time. Eventually we find ourselves profoundly lucky to be fascinated and delighted by the ordinary.

  • The Shift Into Being


    Awakening is the moment when who you’ve taken yourself to be — this person, this identity — shifts from the form to the space, to the emptiness. It’s a shift in orientation to openness rather than closedness; to not knowing rather than knowing. Simply put, awakening is being opening. It’s a movement of energy, of availability, of receptivity — of transmission.